Welcome to Brackets Themes
Brackets Themes is made up of a group of Brackets Theme Extension authors who publish their themes as a team under the same banner.
One of the goals of Brackets Themes is to produce high-quality themes that you can be sure are compliant to the latest standards as set out by the Brackets core dev team and that the themes here will be updated as the standards evolve over time.
How to install (only Brackets 1.0 and later)
- File
Extension manager…
- Click the tab called "Themes"
- Type (the name of the theme you want) in the top right search bar
- Click "Install".
- Click Close on the pop up
- Click Close on the extension manager
- View
- Current Theme change to the theme you installed.
- Click Done
- Things look "weird"
- Try hitting F5 (Save changes before doing so!).